Partner Program

The APTA Home Health Partner Program is intended for organizations and individuals who are not eligible for membership in APTA Home Health, an Academy of the American Physical Therapy Association.

Learn More:

Download the Partner Program brochure and application (PDF, 2 pages)  • Register (Join) as a Partner

Partnership vs Membership

The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) and its components, including APTA Home Health, are professional associations serving member physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, and physical therapy students. Our first responsibility is to our members in the profession of physical therapy.

Because many agencies, organizations, and individuals allied with physical therapy have an interest in the activities and resources of APTA Home Health, we have created the "Partner Program" in order to build and sustain relationships with allies, as well as to share resources. APTA's Partner Program is not a substitute for membership in APTA and APTA Home Health, as membership provides physical therapy professionals, para-professionals, and students with information and resources to assist them in their careers. Partners and Potential Partners should note that many of the benefits offered by both APTA and APTA Home Health are exclusive to members.

If your organization employs physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, or physical therapy students, these professionals (and your organization!) will benefit greatly from their membership in their professional association, the American Physical Therapy Association.

If your organization does not employ physical therapists, or if you simply wish to enhance and expand your access to information about the practice of physical therapy in the home health setting, APTA Home Health's Partner Program is for you!

Please note that the APTA Home Health Partnership Program is a program of APTA Home Health, and not part of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA). 

Partner Benefits

  • Special Registration Rates:  APTA Home Health Partners register at special discounted Partner rates on Section-sponsored events and continuing education.
  • Access to the exclusive APTA Home Health Partner webpage on our website, featuring
    • News and articles relevant to physical therapy in the home health setting
    • Reimbursement and regulatory updates
    • Continuing education offerings
    • Documents & samples
  • Access to relevant networking forums through the APTA Home Health website
  • Access to the electronic Quarterly Report publication
  • Access to the Providing Physical Therapy in the Home (3rd Edition)
  • Eligibility for the Section's research grant program
  • Electronic news updates
  • Career Center job advertising discount
  • Newsletter advertising discount


The annual fee for an APTA Home Health Partner is $400.

How to Become a Partner 

Partners may register online with a credit card through the website, or by completing and returning a Partner application with payment. APTA Home Health typically issues an email welcome message to Partners within two weeks of our receipt of the application.